Habits of Successful Teens  

Sunday, June 28, 2009

As you may have already experienced,there are no coincidences in life. What ever you sow you will no doubt reap.

Our habits and thoughts make or break us. We are creatures of habits, so as a teen with a the whole of your life ahead of you - what habits are you forming to ensure a brighter and successful future?

All habits and thought patterns determine 90% of all behaviours and thus the results we get in life. This leaves a measly 10% to chance.

Based on this fact how can you ensure success, not just in your academics, but in every aspect of life!

As a teen who wants to leave their foot print on planet earth ,you should be more aware of your thoughts. The bible states that a man's thought makes him or as a man thinks, so is he. Positive thoughts will lead to positive habits and these habits will be exhibited in the way you act (behaviour).

Let us exam the habits of two teens: teen "A" who was exposed to reading at an early age and teen "B" with no exposure whatsoever. Which of these teens will be more inclined to reading? Which of the two is better positioned to personally develop themselves and make the most of information available to all mankind?

Just a single positive habit will put you miles apart from your peers.

Certain habits are unbeneficial and they should be noticed early and stopped, because a habit once formed is nearly impossible if not absolutely impossible to break.

Form the right habits and learn the principles of successful teens find out more at http://www.Successfulteens.co.uk

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Lyseight

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