Low Self-Esteem is Common and Quite Painful For Teens
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Low self-esteem in teens is quite common. If you are a teen who has low self-esteem, you are certainly not alone in your plight. Teenagers struggle with self-esteem issues from early middle school and well into high school and college. If you are finding it hard to feel good about yourself, take solace that your friends are most likely going through the same feelings as you.
You are not alone with your self-esteem issues and it is always important to remember this. A heightened level of self-awareness and self-consciousness is common among teenagers. As teenagers, you are never quite sure if you are smart enough, pretty enough, strong enough, or thin enough.
Being a teenager, you have a lot of concerns and stressors that can contribute to low self-esteem. There are also strong demands placed on you that create competition with others and a strong need to measure up and succeed.
Body image and looks become very important when you are a teenager. You want to look pretty if you are a girl, handsome if you are a guy. You also want to be able to successfully attract members of the opposite sex. This becomes very important when you are a teenager and this can actually become all-encompassing.
It is easy to lose focus on schoolwork, extra-curricular activities, family, and hobbies when you are so concerned whether or not you fit in with your peers.
Sometimes teens get depressed and become quite withdrawn. Some turn to drugs ,alcohol, and unprotected sex to escape feelings of low self-esteem.
Television, movies, and magazines portraying very thin, beautiful people can also give you an unrealistic comparison of what you think you are supposed to look like. When you start comparing yourself to these Hollywood stars it becomes hard to measure up.
Some of the things you can do to improve your self-esteem is:
• Remember that you are unique and adorable and have a lot of great qualities that make you and interesting and special person. Nobody is quite like you.
• Do not forget to do the things you love to do because you truly enjoy these activities. Who cares if it is not cool. If you love studying the piano, do not give this up because your friends do not play the piano.
• Take care of your grooming and hygiene on a daily basis and always put your best foot forward. You will feel so much better.
• Choose your friends wisely, and do not associate with people who put you down and make you feel bad.
• Do not, under any circumstances run away from your feelings with drugs, alcohol, sex, and gambling addiction. Please seek help from a caring trusting professional if this happens.
These are just a few tips to help you improve your self-esteem. Building self-esteem is a lifelong process that will take effort, courage, persistence, and determination.
Michelle Tee (author)
To learn more about Michelle Tee and her writing, please visit her blog at http://www.myselfesteem.net.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Tee
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